

As we have heard in the news, the okupa movement is in the order of the day. But, do we really know what this movement consists of?

The okupa movement consists of usurping or empty homes permanently or temporarily as a way of protesting the economic or social situation.

But the biggest problem of occupation is that in most cases, they are professionals so they know how to change locks and try to meet all the requirements so that illegal occupation lasts as long possible.

What can we do to prevent okupas?

Although having an alarm system on a private property is not mandatory, due to these movements, we should have it as a priority, especially if it is a second home or holiday apartment, which we know is a long time uninhabited.

Since, if your house has a security system installed, the process to get the okupas out is much faster and sometimes when they see that the house is insured, they directly don’t try to enter.  

TIPS so that they do not occupy our home

1.- Go to the house from time to time, remove the correspondence and try not to leave the blinds completely down. In this way the house will not seem uninhabited.

2.- If it is impossible for you to go frequently to the house, ask a neighbour that be pending the mailbox and if he see strange movements near the home.

3.- Also the signs of “for sale” or “for rent” are calls for attention to squatters. Avoid putting them.
